Descontos incríveis em brinquedos e livros!

Brinquedos e Livros Divertidos

Diversão Garantida Sempre

red and white plastic toy
red and white plastic toy
A brick wall features a large window display filled with various toys and apparel. Among the items are stuffed animals, figurines, and small decorative objects. The window sign indicates that the store sells books, toys, and apparel.
A brick wall features a large window display filled with various toys and apparel. Among the items are stuffed animals, figurines, and small decorative objects. The window sign indicates that the store sells books, toys, and apparel.
A brightly lit toy store aisle with shelves stocked with various boxed toys, including model cars, helicopters, building blocks, and plush toys. The shelves are organized with items of different shapes and colors, and the packaging features colorful designs and cartoon characters.
A brightly lit toy store aisle with shelves stocked with various boxed toys, including model cars, helicopters, building blocks, and plush toys. The shelves are organized with items of different shapes and colors, and the packaging features colorful designs and cartoon characters.
Livros Infantis Diversão

A cozy, well-organized bookstore corner with books displayed on shelves and steps. Colorful children's books are propped up on the stairs, and there is a basket labeled 'Keep the Kids Busy Books' filled with additional titles. The wooden floors and bookshelves give a warm and inviting atmosphere.
A cozy, well-organized bookstore corner with books displayed on shelves and steps. Colorful children's books are propped up on the stairs, and there is a basket labeled 'Keep the Kids Busy Books' filled with additional titles. The wooden floors and bookshelves give a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Brinquedos Criativos Alegria

Explore nossa seleção de brinquedos e livros para crianças felizes.

Diversão Garantida

Brinquedos e Livros

Aprender Brincando Sempre

Na década de 80, as brincadeiras infantis eram marcadas por uma simplicidade encantadora e uma intensa criatividade. As crianças se divertiam com jogos ao ar livre, como esconde-esconde, que estimulava a imaginação e a interação entre os pequenos. Outra brincadeira popular era a "pega", onde o intuito era capturar os amigos enquanto corriam e riam juntos. A corda e a bola também eram protagonistas em muitas tardes ensolaradas, com crianças pulando e jogando, enquanto algumas se divertiam com bonecas e carrinhos de papel. As roletas e corridas de gude distribuíam alegria e camaradagem entre os grupos, formando laços que muitas vezes duravam a vida inteira. Sem tecnologia para distraí-los, os pequenos encontravam diversão na simplicidade da vida cotidiana, criando grandes memórias que permanecem vivas até hoje.

Atividades Lúdicas para Crianças

Descubra um mundo de diversão e aprendizado para os pequenos, onde a imaginação ganha vida através de atividades lúdicas que estimulam o desenvolvimento infantil.

As brincadeiras lúdicas são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das crianças, proporcionando momentos de diversão e aprendizado. Uma sugestão é o clássico "Pique-Esconde", onde as crianças aprendem a contar e a desenvolver habilidades de observação. Outra atividade divertida é o "Brincadeira de Cores", onde elas devem encontrar objetos que correspondem a determinadas cores em um tempo limite. O "Jogo das Estatuas" também é uma ótima opção, estimulando a atenção e a criatividade, enquanto as crianças se divertem se movimentando ao som da música. Além disso, os "Teatro de Fantoches" incentivam a expressão criativa e a colaboração entre os pequenos. Essas brincadeiras não só entretêm, mas também fomentam a socialização e a imaginação, essenciais na infância.

2 boys sitting on red and black ride on toy car
2 boys sitting on red and black ride on toy car



Diversão Garantida

Crianças Felizes

Sobre Nós

Na Ler e Brincar, oferecemos brinquedos e livros que promovem diversão e aprendizado, garantindo uma infância feliz e repleta de aventuras para as crianças no Brasil.

A toy store entrance with vibrant red walls and signage. Inside, shelves are filled with various toys and products. The entrance features whimsical decor, including cartoon character designs and colorful displays. Overhead lighting and decorative elements enhance the playful atmosphere.
A toy store entrance with vibrant red walls and signage. Inside, shelves are filled with various toys and products. The entrance features whimsical decor, including cartoon character designs and colorful displays. Overhead lighting and decorative elements enhance the playful atmosphere.
Adoramos a variedade de produtos!




Explore nossa coleção de brinquedos e livros divertidos!

A densely packed display of assorted colorful toys hanging and stacked in a store. The items include various types of balls, rackets, action figures, dolls, and other children's playthings in vibrant packaging.
A densely packed display of assorted colorful toys hanging and stacked in a store. The items include various types of balls, rackets, action figures, dolls, and other children's playthings in vibrant packaging.
A stack of children's books is neatly arranged on a white surface. On top of the stack is a white jar labeled 'READ' filled with twig-like colored pencils. The books include titles like Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss, Pinocchio, and Beauty and the Beast.
A stack of children's books is neatly arranged on a white surface. On top of the stack is a white jar labeled 'READ' filled with twig-like colored pencils. The books include titles like Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss, Pinocchio, and Beauty and the Beast.
A phone held in the foreground captures a vibrant toy store display. The store features shelves filled with a variety of toys, including stuffed animals and boxes of games. Above the display, a bright marquee sign spells 'Toys' against a backdrop of red curtains.
A phone held in the foreground captures a vibrant toy store display. The store features shelves filled with a variety of toys, including stuffed animals and boxes of games. Above the display, a bright marquee sign spells 'Toys' against a backdrop of red curtains.
A collection of children's books neatly arranged on a white shelf. The books are organized by their size and color, ranging from multi-colored board books to classic children's stories. Above the books is a small rainbow sticker on the wall.
A collection of children's books neatly arranged on a white shelf. The books are organized by their size and color, ranging from multi-colored board books to classic children's stories. Above the books is a small rainbow sticker on the wall.
An assortment of colorful children's books arranged on a surface. The books feature popular animated characters and themes, with prominent illustrations on their covers.
An assortment of colorful children's books arranged on a surface. The books feature popular animated characters and themes, with prominent illustrations on their covers.